Plan Management

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NDIS Plan Management

Plan management is one of the options you have for managing the money in your NDIS Plan. Harmony And Care provides support to participants to manage funding in theirNDIS plan.

Plan management differs from having the NDIA manage funding in your NDIS plan, or you choosing to self-manage your plan. Harmony And Care has talented plan managers to help manage your NDIS plan.

A plan manager can help you: 

  • Increase your financial and planning management skills.
  • Learn how to self-manage your plan.
  • Pay providers.
  • Increase your choice of providers.
  • Get NDIS plan budget reports and greater budget oversight. 
NDIS Plan Management in Auburn & Campbelltown

We have a team of experienced professionals who will help you every step of the way with your NDIS plan. Contact us today!